Young Living Seed to Seal

Many companies claim to be committed to various degrees of standards for their products.

It’s easy to make such statements. It’s an entirely different ballgame to actually do it.

Young Living doesn’t just claim high standards, they deliver. The Young Living Seed to Seal® guarantee is unmatched in the essential oil business. So what does this mean for you? It means the therapeutic benefits that you seek from essential oils and blends will be there. This can’t be said for oils sourced from compromised farms, or oils with added synthetics and fillers.

Watch the video or read the individual points below to learn more. And if you want to purchase the finest oils on the planet, simply connect with an Oily Guru today!


Not all essential oils are created equally. Young Living does not add synthetics or cheap fillers to their oils. They also refuse to use unethical production practices. Young Living sources products from carefully vetted corporate-owned farms, partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers. It is not uncommon for an entire batch of oil to be rejected when it doesn't meet Young Living's industry leading standards.
Partnership Principles

Partnership Principles

Young Living has incredible, privately owned farms that many Oily Gurus have personally been to! Young Living also works with Seed to Seal certified providers. This not only helps meet demand, but allows Young Living to respect and utilize local communities.
Formulation & Production

Formulation & Production

You can't produce industry leading products with inferior facilities. Young Living does it right from their distilleries to their new Utah based distribution center. No other company can match the manufacturing and testing levels that Young Living performs.
3rd Party Validation

3rd Party Validation

Young Living only works with trusted partners. But additionally they employ 3rd-party experts on a global scale to validate their standards are being upheld. This means that altered, inferior products don't end up on your front door.


The trained scientific staff at Young Living uses progressive methods to develop and test products. Led by Dr. Michael Buch, they work in state-of-the-art laboratories utilizing the finest, most advanced scientific equipment in the industry. Young Living's testing includes, but is not limited to: Densitometry, Viscometry, Refractometry, Olfactometry, Polarimetry, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Automated Micro-Enumeration, Accelerated Stability Testing, Disintegration, pH, Microscopy, Combustibility, Flash Point, Water Activity, Chiral Chromatography, Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)
Industry-Leading Science

Industry-Leading Science

Product quality begins in the fields and farms and then verified in state-of-the-art labs. The D. Gary Young Research Institute and Quality Program is staffed with over 50 skilled scientists who use leading testing methods to certify products meet Young Living's Seed to Seal standards.
3rd Party Testing

3rd Party Testing

Product testing begins with Young Living's own labs, but doesn't end there. Many of the most accredited, independent labs and talented scientists are utilized to verify the results. These labs are experienced and focused on advanced product testing.
Product Innovation

Product Innovation

The D. Gary Young Research Institute team allows Young Living to innovate and design products that lead the industry. Cutting edge R&D supports product claims and recommendations. This research team also creates new methods to test and verify the Seed to Seal standard in all products.


Part of Young Living's stewardship is to responsibly and sustainably source plants, uplift local communities, and comply with environmental and local laws. Chief Legal and Sustainability Officer Matthew French oversees the Global Compliance Program, which ensures that Young Living offers pure products that you can feel confident are contributing to the greater good. Not only is Young Living's Lacey Act Compliance Program comprehensive, it is also the first in the essential oils industry that has been reviewed and accepted by the government.
The Highest Standards

The Highest Standards

Cheap oils from the local store are usually synthetic, adulterated (pesticides and bad farming practice) or unethically sourced. This is why Young Living chooses partners who produce essential oils and other ingredients that are pure, ethical, sustainable and legal.
Global Compliance

Global Compliance

Young Living is committed to operating both ethically and legally. This includes not just sourcing and producing ,but marketing, selling and testing. Their Global Compliance program covers: Young Living Anticorruption Policy, Young Living Environmental Compliance and the Lacey Act Compliance Program.
The Green Leader

The Green Leader

Young Living's efforts go far beyond a thoughtful supply chain. Their dedication to sustainable business includes reforestation, recycling and the construction of a comprehensive, LEED-certified headquarters in Lehi, Utah.

As you can see, Young Living embraces a rigorous quality control standard to ensure their products meet the highest standards and specifications. Seed to Seal isn’t catch phrase. It’s a way of life that permeates the entire Young Living organization. It helps ensure that every single essential oil, blend and product that arrives on our doorstep will be unmatched in the industry. We invite you to start your oils journey today with an Oily Guru near you!

Fort Nelson, BC Farm - Young Living
Klicken Sie, um mehr über die Saint Maries, ID Farm zu erfahren
Salalah Oman Farm - Young Living
Split, Croatia Farm - Young Living
Simiane-La-Rotonde, France Farm - Young Living
Highland Flats, ID Farm - Young Living
Mona, UT Farm - Young Living
Guayaquil, Ecuador Farm - Young Living
Map of Young Living Farms
The Young Living Farms